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Home > Member Galleries > Elspeth > Furry Children

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Benny 2.jpg
Benny – 212 viewsThis is Benny, the goof, the one several milkbones short of a full bowl. He's a Shepherd/Beagle mix we rescued from someone who thought they could handle him, but learned their mistake after he ate their cell phone.

Benny is a work in process. He will soon be three and is settling down some. We are finding him trainable and respond's well to the techinques of 'The Dog Whisperer'.
Max – 64 viewsThis is Max, the cat who as a kitten came trotting up to us from out of a construction site.

He adopted us and we pay him back by giving him whatever he wants whenever he wants it. Even the occasional mouse, that he usually devours in its entirety. Once he ate his prize under the dining room table as the kids ate breakfast. :)
Sabrina – 71 viewsThis is our Lab something, or somethings mix. We rescued her as a puppy. She's a sweetheart, mostly obedient and VERY protective of the children. She ignores Max and tolerates the interloper, Benny. Elspeth
3 files on 1 page(s)

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