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Connamara baby lamb – 137 viewsThis 2-3 day old lamb was sitting by the roadside with it's mother. It wasn't much bigger than my hand. Connamara, Co. Galway.AShruleEgan
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Keane's Bar – 95 viewsKeane's Bar is along the route to Kylemore Abbey. Stop in for lunch and a Guinness.AShruleEgan
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Ross Abbey – 108 viewsThe interior, near the tower of Ross Abbey, Headford, Co. Galway.AShruleEgan
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Ross Abbey fireplace – 134 viewsOne of the many fireplaces in Ross Abbey, Headford Co. Galway, Ireland.AShruleEgan
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Ross Abbey fireplace – 104 viewsThe fireplace from the kitchen area of Ross Abbey, Headford, Co. Galway.AShruleEgan
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Ross Abbey – 104 viewsThe inner courtyard of Ross Abbey, Headford, Co. Galway.AShruleEgan
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Kinlough Church – 108 viewsKinlough Church, Moyne, Co. Mayo.AShruleEgan
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Pastures along side of Kinlough Castle, Moyne, Co. Mayo. – 134 viewsAShruleEgan
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Harvested peat – 144 viewsA pile of peat just brought in from the bog that will be set up for drying. Brackloon Shrule, Co. Mayo.AShruleEgan
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Harvesting Peat – 179 viewsBrackloon Shrule, Co. Mayo2 commentsAShruleEgan
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Egan's Butcher Shop – 92 viewsShrule, Co. Mayo. Still owned by my relatives.AShruleEgan
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The old Egan's Grocery – 91 viewsShrule, Co. Mayo. Still owned by my relatives.AShruleEgan
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Shrule Mill – 126 viewsShrule Mill, along the Black River, on the Co. Galway side.AShruleEgan
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Cradocks Bar – 90 viewsShrule, Co. MayoAShruleEgan
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Connamara – 96 viewsThe Connamara mountains, as seen from Annakeen, Headford, Co. Galway.AShruleEgan
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92 viewsThe old drawbridge across the Shannon, at Shannon Bridge, Co. Offaly.AShruleEgan
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Shannon Bridge – 166 viewsShannon Bridge, Co. OffalyAShruleEgan
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Tullamore Dew Distillery – 102 viewsTullamore, Co. OffalyAShruleEgan
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Tullamore Dew Distillery – 95 viewsTullamore, Co. OffalyAShruleEgan
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New home construction – 108 viewsWhile out taking a walk, we were passing by this new house under construction. The neighbor came out of the house and yelled to us, "the front door is open, Yank, take a look inside". So, we did.
Most of the new homes have these wonderful circular sun rooms, that we notice people tend to use as their dining rooms.
The concrete blocks are actually half size, meaning, the blocks are only half as thick, roughly about 5 inches. They use a double wall construction and fill in between with insulation.
126 files on 7 page(s)


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