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Home > Member Galleries > manxman > Stationary Willberries - Isle of Man

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Yn Cruinnaght – 178 viewsA gaelic festival held every summer on the Isle of Man. Paticipants travel from all the celtic lands to take part including Brittanny.1 commentsmanxman
Isle of Man Pound – 212 viewsIsle of Man currency.1 commentsmanxman
Horse Tram on the Isle of Man (Douglas Bay) – 132 viewsHorse Trams still run during the summer in the town of Douglas, Isle of Man. The trams link the 100 year old electric railway at the northern end of Douglas bay with the 120 year old steam railway at the southern end.manxman
The Stationary Willberries – 242 viewsBlues, Folk, Country & Rock 'n Roll !
Why are we stationary ? Some say that we don't travel. Indeed we are at home in "The Mitre", a welcoming hostelry in Kirk Michael on the west coast of the Isle of Man, an island with Celtic heritage just across the water from the Irish coast. However, you'll sometimes find us far away from home. This is a photo of an open air concert we gave in Switzerland.
1 commentsmanxman
Alan & Mike – 226 views1 commentsmanxman
Alan – 167 views1 commentsmanxman
Swiss Concert – 208 views1 commentsmanxman
Blues Al – 223 views1 commentsmanxman
Laxey Wheel – 477 viewsClaimed to be the largest water wheel in the world. It was built to pump out water from the Laxey mines which ran below sea level under the coastal village of Laxey on the Isle of Man.2 commentsmanxman
The Mitre – 247 viewsHome of the "Stationary Willberries". (www.manxman.ch) Request one of our songs on Highlander radio! 1 commentsmanxman
Yn Cruinnaght 2004 - Folk and Dance Festival Isle of Man – 288 views"Perree Bane" - A traditional dance group from the Isle of Man. Here at Yn Cruinnaght 2004 in Morragh Park, Ramsey which is in the north of the island.1 commentsmanxman
Peel Harbour - Isle of Man – 233 views1 commentsmanxman
Peel Castle on St. Patrick's Isle – 482 viewsRead about the legend of Mannanin. www.manxman.ch2 commentsmanxman
New Year's Eve - Mitre Pub – 298 viewsSharon Watterson on Pipes. New Year 19961 commentsmanxman
Peel Harbour – 502 viewsHMS Rose visiting Peel Harbour, Isle of Man3 commentsmanxman
IOM Stamp – 221 viewsThe Isle of Man is NOT England. The island has it's own stamps and coinage.2 commentsmanxman
16 files on 1 page(s)

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