Search results - "Friends" |

FriendsI'm in the middle. The one on the left is my one of my roomies and the one on the right is my best friend.

Hira up a treeHira, chilling in a tree.

My Good Friend HiraHira is like a sister to me. She is one of my best friends. She has always been there for me and has helped me in so many ways.

TorriTorri posing in a swing.

My Good Friend TorriThis is at one of our late night visits to Denny's. Torri is one of my best friends and one of the few people who really know me. Most of my favorite memories start with the phrase, "That time when Torri and I..."

My Best Friend LorieLorie has been my best friend for eight years now. She a beautiful person inside and out. She is closer to me than a sister and knows me as well as anyone can.