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Edward Cooper - Founder of the American Mica Company
This is Edward Cooper, my Great Grandfather and founder of the American Mica Company. The American Mica Company was an operation in Wellesley and Newton Massachusetts involved in the production of Mica for electrical devices. Mr. Cooper held many patients on the Mica splitting process and folding process. He had 14 children, all daughters with the exception of a son who died at a young age. Because of his company he enjoyed a very good life until he was swindled by a Wallstreet baron.
085.jpg  084.jpg  044~0.jpg  Ancient_Castle.jpg  IMG_7360.JPG 
File information
Album name:CelticRadio / Castles
Keywords:American Mica Company Cooper Wellesley Newton Massachusetts
File Size:161 KB
Dimensions:1500 x 1500 pixels
Displayed:130 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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